The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Men’s Fraternal Organization that supports the Church and strives to live and be strong Catholic role models in both our church and our community. We are always looking for like-minded Catholic men to join our organization. Knights are committed to making their community a better place while supporting the Church.
Our Council has won seven “Star Council” awards in the last nine years and very active in supporting the principles of Charity, Fraternity, Unity, and Patriotism, our four pillars. The contributions go far beyond the Famous Lenten Fish Fry’s and you don’t have to look far to find evidence of our involvement and support of the parish.
If you are searching for an opportunity to build more friendships, give back to the church and community, please contact our Grand Knight, or attend one of our social meeting held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at the PAC. Our Knight’s Council newsletter, The Carpenter, is available on our website detailing the most recent activities.
If you are interested in more information, or if you are a man interested in joining, please visit the Knights of Columbus Council 12772 website.
Knights of Columbus Council 12772 website
Download the flyer about entry into the Knights of Columbus scholarship competition, due April 15.
We are pleased to invite men of St. Joseph (18 and older) to a special, online ceremony of admission and advancement. These ceremonies, known as exemplifications, are now offered online.
Register with the Knights of Columbus
Candidates sign up online and list Fr Edward Fitzgerald (12772) as council with St Joseph Plain City as our base location.
Brothers who are only First degree can also go online and advance to Full Knighthood in the Third Degree. If you wish to continue on to full Knighthood, use the “On-Demand” link and the 30 minute ceremony will start upon completion of your registration.
On-Demand Instructions
- Open a registration form by clicking on the ceremony of your choice above.
- Provide the required information including the council number you are joining. We are Council 12772
- You will receive a registration confirmation and a reminder by email.
These emails will include links for you to access the ceremony. You can also access the ceremony by clicking on one of the above links. Log in no sooner than 15 minutes early. - Please note that your family and friends are welcome to observe the ceremony.
We look forward to you becoming a third-degree Knight of Columbus. For more information, please contact Mike Balmert, Grand Knight at 614-507-2001.