September 12, 2024

Stewardship Opportunities

Have you been wondering how to get involved in the church? How can you help? Remember, this is your church, your family. Please see below for current volunteer opportunities. Many hands make light work. 

Parish Picnic, October 6, 2024 – In addition to families bringing a dish to share, we need volunteers to help set-up, tear-down and coordinate activities for all in attendance. Contact the office to help.

Plain City Fall Festival, October 19, 2024 – Volunteers are needed to dress-up and pass out candy to local children. Contact the office to help.

Join the Choir – If you have a musical talent, whether with your voice or with an instrument, we would love to have you as a part of our choir! The choir practices on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45am at the PAC. Come and lend us your voice! Please email Gregory Elchert if you are interested.

Mass Ministry including Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors and Choir. Learn more:

Kitchen Angels Needed. As we are getting back into full swing, our PAC kitchen is being utilized much more. We are looking for volunteers to check and clean the kitchen. Please contact Debbie Duran at 614-348-7190 with questions.

Bereavement Committee: St. Joseph Parish would like to renew a standing committee of volunteers to help with funeral luncheons here at tthe PAC. Many different tasks are required from setting up and tearing down of tables and resetting the chairs, to preparing food and desserts, serving food and kitchen duties. All with the possibility of very short notice. Trish Haaser will be the new coordinator and can be reached at 614-496-9131.

“Christ has no body now
on earth, but yours;
no hands but yours;
no feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which
He is to go about doing good;
yours are the hands
with which He is
to bless people now.”

– St. Teresa of Avila

Many thanks to all those faithful and generous stewards who volunteer in our parish. Your time is worth everything to us!

What Is Stewardship? Stewardship is the act of putting God’s priorities before our own.  Good stewards give the first portion of their gifts of time, talent and treasure to the Lord’s work in gratitude for his many blessings.  This practice of giving our “first fruits” incorporates the aspect of sacrificial giving.

The Greatest Gift Jesus Christ is God’s greatest gift to us.  Stewardship tells us to share a portion of our time, talent and treasure so that God’s Gift, Jesus Christ, may be given to those who do not know Him.

“And He called His disciples together and said to them, ‘Amen I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who have been putting money into the treasury. For they all have put in out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in all that she had — all that she had to live on.’” — (Mark 12:43-44)