May 06, 2024 06:16

Join a Parish Committee

St. Joseph Parish is putting together three committees to help with events and needs surrounding the parish. Please join us at the meetings below if you are able to help.

Jesus Christ is God’s greatest gift to us. Stewardship tells us to share a portion of our time, talent and treasure so that God’s Gift, Jesus Christ, may be given to those who do not know Him. Many thanks to all those faithful and generous stewards who volunteer in our parish. Your time is worth everything to us!

Parish Jubilee Committee

The committee is to help the parish celebrate the 125th anniversary of the dedication of our church. On August 28, 1900 the was Consecrated by the Bishop of Cincinnati and has served our parish since its beginning, and remaining strong even after being hit with a tornado losing part of the Bell Tower.    

The focus of the committee's work to prepare for a year-long celebration and to make the community aware of Saint Joseph Catholic Church's presence within Plain City.  

All event planning of this committee will lead to the liturgical celebration with Bishop Fernandes and inviting former pastors to the anniversary celebration.  

Along with our Parish celebration, this committee will also help plan events for 2025 Holy Year.

The next meeting will be held on August 19th at the PAC.

Parish Maintenance Committee

This committee will focus on maintaining the parish buildings and grounds. We are searching for volunteers to help do some of the repairs necessary for the maintenance of the buildings. Projects include:

• Painting the handrails at the Church

• Working on concrete and caulking around the PAC

• Replacing weatherstripping around the doors & windows

• Resetting the safety post in the parking lot

• Patching and painting work in the classrooms 

Please contact Father Trapp if you are willing to help with maintenance. 

Parish Planning Committee

Plain City is rapidly growing! Many new homes are under construction and more to come to the community. It is expected by 2030 that they'll be an additional 10,000 people in the Plain City community. The parish needs to plan for the future growth and to look at the needs to better serve our own Catholic community here in Plain City. 

The committee will work on making a strategic plan and to look at the future possibilities and the needs of a new church and development of the Parish grounds. All interested parishioners are welcome to be part of this discussion. 

The next meeting will be held on August 20th at 7:00pm at the PAC.